A number of attractions await you at Holiday Resort Kormoran, located in a charming area on Lake Niesłysz in Lubuskie province.
We host many anglers – some have been coming here for years just to fish! We have boats for anglers, and permits can be purchased directly on the website of the Zbąszyń Fish Farm.
Fishing on Lake Niesłysz, is a very popular leisure activity. Many of our guests fish from piers (fishing from piers is forbidden in the season on the territory of the Kormoran Center due to the presence of tourists) or boats.
Lake Niesłysz occupies 486 hectares of water surface, and the maximum depth is about 35 meters. The water in the lake is very clear due to the fact that the lake is fed by many underwater springs.
Numerous quiet bays, an irregular shoreline, and waters abundant in fish, create excellent conditions for leisurely fishing. The most abundant fish species are bleak, roach, rudd, bream, pike, tench, eel; in the depths of the lake lives whitefish, considered the tastiest freshwater fish.
The lake is hosted by a fishing farm (GR). On our lake you can practice fishing after buying a permit. PZW angling card + permit is obligatory. Lake Niesłysz is group I.

Worm machine at the resort, emergency assistance for anglers (available in high season)
Zapomniałeś robaka? Żona nie lubi jak jej w lodówce mieszkają? Urwałeś spławik? Zgubiłeś ciężarek? A może potrzebujesz haczyka?
Nie martw się! Już nie musisz szukać sklepu wędkarskiego w okolicy. Takie “wędkarskie artykuły pierwszej potrzeby” kupisz 24 godziny na dobę w ROBAKOMACIE przy RECEPCJI.
Temporary and seasonal permits for purchase on the website.
We remind you that this year you can fish from a boat from the first of May!
You can also rent a fishing boat from us.
You will catch the fish yourself already. Good luck!
Map of Świebodzin area